"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. ...When it snows, she has no fear for her household..."

Saturday, June 25

Safeway Deals for 6/22-28 (DOUBLE COUPON DEALS)

Every Tuesday Safeway comes out with a new ad that more often than not, has a Double Coupon in it.
Grocery store ads run Wednesday-Tuesday, so when you pick up the Tuesday ad you can't use it until Wednesday.

Most of the time there are extra ads directly in the inside of the entrances.

Safeway Double Coupons double UP TO $0.50 on each coupon, max of 4.

Of course if the coupon states "Do Not Double" (DND), then they won't do it.
They also have a policy on NOT doubling internet printed coupons.

Sometimes I have a checker that will & sometimes they won't. I try just in case, because you just never know. Unless you have a favorite checker that you go to every time!

To see the listings, visit:

New Seasons Deals for 6/22-28

I know, I'm sorry I'm sorry.
This week's New Seasons deals are actually for 6/22-28, but since I only post these deal links once a week on a regular basis we're a bit late.

Frugal Living NW has your weekly listing, here.

Albertsons Twice the Value Deals for 6/26-28

We're getting Twice The Value's (TTV) again tomorrow.

Cheer, applause & high-fives!!

These TTV's will double the value of a max of 3 manufacturer coupons (MQ), up to $1 each. If your MQ is $1.01+, then you will be sorely disappointed because they will not double those. They are valid Sunday, 6/26-Tuesday 6/28.

Frugal Living NW has quite a few posts dedicated to the grrrrreat deals that will be had this week.

So far she has 3 different posts. It's definitely worth the time to check out what they've found.
Some people print the whole listing, but I don't get as much stuff so I make one big Albie's list as I'm going through her posts.

To see the listings, visit:

Of course these prices reflect Albertsons ad for 6/22-28, but the TTV's are valid from 6/26-28.

Walgreens Deals for 6/26-7/2

Walgreens Deals for this week (6/26-7/2) are posted.

I'll give you all the links that are available, but if you're in the Portland area just Frugal Living NW would be the best resource for you since she reflects are 'test program'.
Those of us in the Portland area do not receive the same Register Rewards (RR), but 'Bonus Points'.
Waste of time if you ask me, but I guess some people like them.

To see the various listings, visit:

That's it so far.....

Target Deals for 6/26-7/2

Here are this week's Target deals (6/26-7/2).
Unless it's in their ad, some Target prices vary within the same city. Remember to be prepared to walk away W/O buying anything if the price is not what you're willing to spend.

To see the listings, visit:

Be on the lookout for Target coupon booklets.
I usually find them by asking the pharmacists, sometimes they have them & sometimes they don't.

Rite Aid Deals for 6/26-7/2

This week's deals are up for Rite Aid.

Frugal Living NW (courtesy of Beautiful Frugal Life)

Remember that if something is FREE or nearly FREE and maybe your family doesn't need/use it, consider getting them to give away to a charity or shelter near you.

I'll post more links as they become available.

Remember to watch all your Video Values offers for the month of June. All of these videos will be removed on Saturday June 25th at 9 PM PST and will be unavailable to watch. If you watch them before then, the coupons will stay in your account until they expire.

Monday, June 20


17 Bottles of Baby Formula
7 Cans of Baby Formula
3 Cans of Powdered Baby Formula
12pk of Gerber Veggie Baby Food
2pk Gerber Baby Cereal

4 tubes of Colgate Toothpaste
7 Sure Deodorants

Check this out!
Isn't this crazy?

Where is it all going?

This is all being donated to Northwest Children's Outreach in Hillsboro

This is a collaboration between myself (Charlie) & Kris. Kris did most of the baby stuff, I had already donated my 12 other bottles of formula to the Portland Pregnancy Resource Center.

Remember that you can get FREE/Nearly free deals on things that you don't even use, but someone sure can.

Here is where you can find out more about how we were able to give these items without cutting into our families budgets.

there were some $5 Manufacturer Coupons awhile back and we were able to use them at Walmart making $ at times and using the overage to purchase more.

Baby Food:
Make sure to browse the clearanced items at your Target or other grocery store. You just never know what
you're going to find.
You may even have a coupon to match up with the clearance price!

Safeway has these at 99cents until 7/05. Match it up with the $1 coupon from SS 5/15 (5/15 Smart Source insert from paper) to get it for FREE!!

Again, these are FREE at Rite Aid THIS WEEK (6/19-25).
Spend $2.99 & get $2.99 back in +Ups (coupons to use on your next purchase).
Check out: Frugal Living NW's Rite Aid weekly deals, Colgate is near the top.

Another DONATION ALERT coming tomorrow.

Please share with us your donation stories & photos.